Try an Eco Swap you’ve been putting off!
Try an Eco swap you’ve been putting off!!!
Go on!!! Whatever it is, just give it a go!! Try it for a couple weeks, it’s probably a lot easier than you think!!!
We all know the best time to make changes to live more sustainably was years ago but the next best time is now!
Zero waste living is a journey, it doesn't have to be all or nothing, start small and go form there.
Cloth nappies- just buy one and see what you think, no biggy!!
Mooncup-try it, you’ll wish you did moons ago!!
Shampoo bar-they work!!! Give one a go! Three Hills and Airmid are my faves.
Conditioner bar- these are amazing, you will love them. Three hills one last ages and conditions my hair beautifully!
Food refills- grab a few containers and head to your local refill shop, they’ll help you out! It’s a really nice way to shop too!!
Beeswax wraps- forget about single use cling film, give beeswax wraps a go! We love our Bee-natural wraps which also come in a vegan option
Plastic free skincare- you’ll be amazed at how fab natural skincare is and how much choice there is out there, you won’t miss your old stuff!
Toothpaste tablets- give them a try! Each brand is different so find the one you like. Pop into AnniePooh and we’ll happily give you a couple of tablets to try!
Natural cleaning - beware you may become obsessed like me!! But it works and you’re not breathing in nasty chemicals!
❓What is it for you? What is the thing you know you need to change but have been putting off? If there's something you're stuck on and don't know how to change, or a sustainable alternative to, get in touch and Ill help if I can.